Wallace and Ned — The Dust Palace
Circus Theatre Company & School

Wallace and Ned


Wallace and Ned is a mad cap adventure -
filled with fun, silliness and circus!

Two bumbling and down on their luck thieves concoct a ludicrous plan to sneak into the travelling circus to steal the very valuable, very rare golden pants of the famous Russian superstar Yuri Gorbechov!

Hot on their trail is the dashing, the daring, the slightly dastardly (but don’t tell his Mother) detective Dirk Dunlop.

Will Wallace and Ned steal the famous Golden Pants? Will they be successful in their deceitful endeavour? or will the local policeman Dirk Dunlop catch them red handed?

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A cast of stellar creators and circus artists, lead by the incomparable Geoff Gilson and Eve Gordon, join skills and physical forces bring you a madcap new show full to the brim with heists, darling antics and bungled burglaries.