In the land of wonder and wisdom where rain glitters and pirate ships are common on land... there lives a wondrous companionship of characters who hand balance, clown and contort, telling their stories on this sailing-ship of a set. It's a ramble through the brambles in a topsy-turvy world of upside down amazement. Giggles, contortion, adventures, tea parties, and pirate battles ensue...
A cute rainbow love story, told via the magical arts of circus and set on a ‘floating’ pile of pre-loved furniture and knick knacks. Top of the Heap is a 40 minutes show designed for families speaking on the themes of resourcefulness, loneliness, community and personal growth.
“This show has it all ... appeal-to-all-ages, gymnastic and contortion feats, drama and generally great entertainment.”
“[Top fo the Heap] is fast-moving, full of imaginative and innovative elements, colourful, quirky, and with rapid changes of mood and emotion. ”