A heart twisting tale of temptation, seduction and sister salvation.
We must not look at goblin men / We must not buy their fruits. Inspired by Christina Rossetti’s iconic poem ‘Goblin Market’, this show is a contemporary circus-theatre retelling following two sisters, their temptation, sacrifice and eventual salvation.
A modern take on a classic text, this is delicious circus, precariously balanced with gritty performances and candid storytelling.
Watch the show trailer above (4’ 34”)
“... the most remarkable production I have seen in the last decade. Thrilling, moving, inspiring, mesmerizing (and sometimes even humourous) – it reminded me of why I work in the performing arts in the first place”
“…A full house, standing ovation and the most common word on everyone’s lips: Spectacular!”
“Breathtakingly beautiful. Heart-stoppingly romantic. Stirringly erotic”
“With very few words, they captured some of the key themes of temptation, seduction, and redemption in beautiful, physically demanding circus performances. The moving balance beam, ropes, aerial hoop, and a stack of chairs all showcased the incredibly artistry of the three performers”

“Combining various disciplines without giving the impression that it is a succession of distinct numbers (as is often seen in the circus), New Zealand production is a lesson on how to tell a story without depending on the usual codes of the written or spoken prose, nor of the numerous artifices that tend to exhibit the spectacles of greater extent.”
“Altogether breathtaking…You’ll get a buzz no question”